
Beside writing code I also like to write blog entries. They do not appear regularly, but from time to time. Most travel entries have the style of a diary. On this linked page you will find an overview of all story-like blog entries.

Never released: Formula E for Windows Phone

One of the apps I missed back in those times when I used a Windows Phone device was a Formula E app. That’s why I have created a half finished native XAML version based on the iOS and Android apps. The interest shown by the FIA was not that high though…

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PitlaneOne gets Practice results

After a longer time the unofficial State-of-the-Art Formula 1 related app PitlaneOne got a bigger update. The amount of new features is limited, but finally it is possible to view the practice results straight in the app…

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PitlaneOne: F1uptodate is back

As the Formula One Management and the Windows (Phone) versions of F1uptodate have not been the best friends in the last year, because “F1” is a registered trademark (WHY is that possible?), the only way to continue with the app this year was to rename it…

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