Work & Travel Australia

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After the decision was made to leave everything in Germany and go traveling with only a backpack, the first destination was found very quickly: Australia. There are reasons, why the continent is so popular among backpackers and especially among German long-term travelers, because thanks to the working holiday visa you can find work here relatively easily and at the same time you will find a very Western-influenced world, which is not the case for example in Asia or South America. Nevertheless, you are on the other side of the world, free from all obligations, far away from all worries and only surrounded by the endless scenery of the Australian continent.

Our motivation for Australia was the idea of being able to try out different jobs here on the way to a new dream job, to find ourselves a little – also due to the aforementioned distance from home – and at the same time to be able to save enough money to explore other trips, countries and cultures afterwards.

I continue to follow these core ideas with a greater focus on self-discovery and financial resources. Because there is one or the other thing where I would like to work on myself, which is much easier for me far away from home. At the same time, I can also save a little money here (assuming work, of course) so that I can then travel to more places or fulfill one or two dreams. However, trying out different jobs in the “search” for my new dream job is no longer the focus here, although that may be an advantage: When I decided on the career as a flight attendant, it was not my dream job at the time and I did not expected it to get that.

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