Crewboard allows you to manage your flight crew duties in one single app: A detailed roster-overview, notifications, statistics, documents and more.
More infoApps
Within the last years I have released various apps for different platforms. Below you can find an overview of all, first the latest and currently supported ones and further down the abandoned and never released ones.
Kleine AnzeigenPlatforms: Windows 10, Windows Phone 8.1
Kleine Anzeigen is an unofficial eBay Kleinanzeigen app for Windows 10 and Windows Phone. Search through millions of ads or manage your own posts.
More infoTankometerPlatforms: Symbian
Tankometer is the only app for Symbian which helps you to find the cheapest gas station near you while being in Germany. The app uses the database provided by
More infoPitlaneOnePlatforms: iOS, Android, Windows 10, Windows Phone 8.1, Symbian
PitlaneOne is a Formula 1® app for your smartphone or PC with the most important information: News, calendar, statistics, live data, results and championship standings.
More infoAbandoned/not released
In the following you will find all apps that are not supported anymore. Additionally there are apps listed that have not been released at all.
WodelPlatforms: Windows 10
Wodel is an unofficial Jodel app for Windows 10 devices. It allows you to stay in touch with your community, synchronizes your karma between your devices and has special features not available in the official apps.
More infoAppListPlatforms: Symbian
AppList is a fully-featured app store that was developed for the Symbian platform when Nokia discontinued the official Nokia Store in 2013.
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