AppList is an app store that was developed for the Symbian platform when Nokia discontinued the official Nokia Store in 2013. The store is a completely native solution that allows users to search and browse through various categories, and the app is also able to recognize apps that have already been installed and notify users of updates. This also works when switching from a Store version to a non-Store version, each of which has a different identifier (UID). Developers can also upload and update apps in a separate backend.
You can find out more about AppList here:
AppList: The alternative App Store for Symbian
Introducing AppList (beta) – and a Symbian Store for 2014 and the future (
AppList for Symbian is being discontinued & open sourced
All operating system logos are trademarks and/or copyright material of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Mockups by Jakub Stęplowski, Deani Hansen and modernuidesign.