PitlaneOne gets Practice results

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After a longer time the unofficial State-of-the-Art Formula 1 related app PitlaneOne got a bigger update. The amount of new features is limited, but finally I could bring in a thing which was at the top of the to-do list already for a longer time – an own database for the Championship Standings and event results.

Practice results in PitlaneOne on Windows Phone and Symbian

Pro and Contra here is now, that I cannot blame anyone else for not updating the data (or for longer time frames, until results and standings are updated), but in the last time I was not very happy with the time it took to update the data in the Ergast API database.
A definitely positive thing is, that I can extend the provided data now: Beside Qualifying and Race results PitlaneOne is getting one of the first Windows Phone-Apps to also provide results and times of all three practices.

All versions (Windows, Windows Phone and Symbian) are loading the results from custom source, though the Windows 8 version is not displaying the Practice results in the UI yet.

The updates (Windows: 1.2.94, Windows Phone: 1.3.179, Symbian: 2.4.468) can be downloaded from their respective App Stores, all further infos can be found on the PitlaneOne overview page.

One Comment

  1. Hallo Sebastian,
    vielen Dank erneut dafür, dass Du so unermüdlich auch für solche nützlichen Updates der Symbian-Versionen sorgst! Ganz zu schweigen von Deinem Portal AppList…

    Beste Grüße,

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